Sunday, July 15, 2007

Wedding Invites

Lindsey, I hope you don't mind, but I'm posting the invitation card from your wedding packet for Carol to see. Carol, this was the first card out of four; card 2 had a map of the town highlighting different "hotspots", Card 3 had the itinerary, and Card 4 was an RSVP postcard. I changed some of the information so there won't be wackos inviting themselves to the wedding, but this is a blog about our projects and I had to include it! You guys look so happy, Lindsey! And just think... you'll be back there in a few glorious months!

"I Do"... again

We just got our photo back from our anniversary vow renewal in Las Vegas! The place has definitely changed since we were there seven years ago. A lot more bells and whistles, but we were bummed that our old Elvis didn't perform our ceremony. I'm not sure if having our names in lights on the Vegas strip made up for it!